I know I've mentioned this place before, but for real-z people, you've GOT to get yourself over to Bombay Cafe in Fairfax.  A $6 Indian Buffet might sound like a terrible idea (and trust me, it is) but there is no greater joy in life that sitting down to a plate of delicious naan and piping hot butter chicken.  The consequences are worth it.

This time, we had been planning it a few days in advance - and the anticipation for Indian Buffet definitely glorifies this stuff.  It all goes downhill pretty quickly because by the time you polish off half of your first plate, the carbs and the butter and the awesomeness hits you and you wish you had never been born.

But you know what?  You forge on.  Because you are a champion.  Because this stuff is delicious.  Because you need to get your $5.99 worth (when in reality, I would pay a hundred times that to take away the pain that follows Indian Buffet…).*

See, even google ads knows it… I pulled up the blog during a break between plates (always) and the blog always knows…

But no, no heartburn remedy for me.  You ride out the pain like a champion.  Halfway through dinner you go through several phases:

2)  I hate myself.
3)  I'm never coming back here again.

Then, about a week later…

"Hmm.  I could GO for some Indian Buffet…"

The Aftermath.

*English major friends (and concerned citizens) once you have your own blog, you can start sentences with "Because"because I said so.  You can also overuse commas, inappropriately use hypens - and use enough ellipses to make it seem like you've fallen asleep on the ………………. keyboard.  Maybe once we start making enough off of ads to hire an editor things will change.  For now, I'm all you got!  MUAH HA HA HAAAA!!!  So carry on reading with that disgusted look on your face over my terrible grammar - I don't care as long as you're reading the blog!


Leslie said…
I don't think your grammar's disgusting. And I don't mind anything "incorrect" about what you write because I like how you write. You're good at it. Once you own your writing, you can write whatever the shit you want. Because I said so.

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