Chimichurri Madness!

While in Madison, I whipped up some Chimichurri courtesy of Bon Appetit Magazine and it was yummy enough for me to whip it up again!  Here's the recipe: Chimichurri Sauce

With the Chimichurri, I marinated some flank steaks and had an impromptu pot luck.  Always with the last minute planning… luckily, I know some friends with the ability to whip up some yum yums on super short notice.  Yes!

Lauren made some yummy Oreo cupcakes!

It was clearly a tomato-themed dinner!  Dubs made a panzanella salad with grape tomatoes, I roasted some grape tomatoes and sliced up some gorgeous tomatoes that came from Jules' garden, and Lindsey made a yummy salad with avocado, pecans, and a tasty vinaigrette. 

Supervising the grill and lecturing Joey on the fine points of grilling.

Letting it rest! (The absolute worst part of grilling.)

And finally, it's dinner time!

Thanks everyone!


Kristen said…
I could use another one of those cupcakes in my life...

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