Showin' My Age… WTSM.

Nothing says old like needing two cakes to fit all of your candles...

Yes folks, I have officially crossed over into 25 years on this planet.

Hmmm… and now for some sage wisdom that can only be gained through age/experience:

Cake is good, but PIE is better.
UNLESS cake comes in ice cream form, for example, CARROT CAKE ICE CREAM.  In rare instances like this, there is no better dessert in the world.

Prom might seem like a big deal at the time, but it's really not.  Go with your best friends, roll up in a Camry and order Domino's for breakfast the next day.

Staying up until 3 AM is easy to do when you're talking to one of your beeeeestest friends in India.

Start a blog.  It will make you do crazy things.

It you're going to splurge on anything in life, make it really high thread count bedsheets.

As a general rule, do more good than evil.

Any great celebration will have two things: a good group of people and lots of food.

Surround yourself with friends/coworkers that are constantly badgering you about how old you are.  This will help you realize how far you've come and how much further you still have to go.


Joey Bersack said…
I'm the first to comment (and I know how much you like comments.) And I should/am the first to apologize for not making it to your dinner. I'm sorry. I hope you had a great time.
Kaitlin said…
Badgering? As in...HONEY BADGERS?!
BowChow said…
1. Carrot cake? Even worse...carrot cake ICE CREAM?
2. Prom is a big deal. Losing your virginity on prom night, however, is not.

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