
So Erock was talking about some creepy abandoned house even he was too scared to creep too close to in Great Falls and since I was planning on dying in today's race anyway, we went out there yesterday to check it out… 

This made perfect sense to me at the time.

And he's totally right, if it weren't for this blog and my drive to give y'all reading material, I would have NEVER done it… so feel special, feel veeery special.

I know, I know… I'm so brave.  


Leslie said…
Joann. No sarcasm here. You are the coolest person I know. Seriously.

Also I think I saw something move in a window of the house in the video. Just sayin'.
Joann said…
haha, there's plenty more where that came from.

I also watched the video a few more times to check out the window move-age. Thanks a lot.

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