
So that dinner I was on my way to?  It was a surprise birthday dinner!

The backstory:  Liz was in town before leaving for India and wanted to meet up for dinner Wednesday night.  I got dressed up, met her at Clyde's and we sat down at a table for two… then the hostess came over and asked if we could move to a different table because she needed ours.  I may or may not have given her the stink-eye for this inconvenience… but obviously we got up.  Then, SURPRISE!  Everyone was waiting at a larger table in the back of the restaurant.

There's no better way to throw a surprise party than by throwing it 3 weeks early…

Joey, Lindsey and Dubs

Dubs made a baller cake complete with a little slug… wonderful…

The party planners!

The ol' It's Always Sunny Gang.

Oh, and the fun doesn't stop there!  

Justin Bieber Balloon!


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