In an effort to solicit comments (and because you readers deserve a reward for putting up with me), I have decided to DO A GIVEAWAAAAAY (in Oprah voice)!!!

Because I am evil, I decided the first giveaway would be for a copy of the 30 Day Shred!!! YAY!!!!! (No?  Do I hear crickets?)

I don't care.  (<-- at least that's what Jillian Michaels would say)

You WILL enter this giveaway, you WILL be sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for the big name-drawing, and (if you win) you WILL suffer along with me and curse Jillian Michaels for ever combining the squats+lunges+dumbbells combo with a dash of verbal abuse.

There.  Have I convinced you yet?

For those of you who would love for a chance to expand your DVD workout collection, here's my little pitch… as much as I complain about it on the blog, this workout's actually pretty neat.  For a 20 minute workout, you ache, you sweat, you cry (well, I do).

So, how do you win?  That's simple, just throw a little comment onto this post, any comment at all!  Where you're reading from, what you ate for lunch, how much you hate this blog, etc., etc.

And, a week from now, let's say… May 11th, I'll draw a name from a hat, drag myself to the post office, and mail a copy of the best/worst thing that will ever happen to you (where ever you are… believe it or not, this blog's got a lot of readers abroad… who would have thought?).

… The trip to the post office will be an adventure in and of itself, for I have a bit of a fear of the post office.  But for that one lucky reader, I will stand in line and fight my demons at the USPS.  I know, I am so brave…

Alrighty folks, so comment away and GOOD LUCK!!!!


Kristen said…
The suffering inflicted by Jillian will be well worth it when I win, knowing that you went to the post office for me...
Joann said…
hahahahahha Dubs. I am secretly hoping someone I see on a regular basis wins, just so I can avoid the post office.

Otherwise, I will be sending YOU to the post office (at the very least to accompany me to document the mental breakdown I will be having should there be an international winner).
Meagan said…
i can believe that you work out now. i can believe that you're going all oprah-style and doing a giveaway on your blog. i canNOT believe that you would actually go to the post office to make this happen. that being said, how could i resist an opportunity to find out if it's true?!
Liiiiiz said…
a. joj will never go to the post office in her life! b. at this point, its one of the three of us who will win and she won't have to go to the post office for ANY of us since i'll see her on the day of the give away and if shep wins, she'll just give it to me to give to you. b. i can't wait to see joj. c. i can't wait to see shep. i coooouuuuld wait to go to the hottest piece on earth, though. but it'll be worth it to see some georgia curls. d. i better win this crap! :) bgb
heck, i'll comment. it's swim season, anyhow. exciting joj!! xoxo
shorner said…
Joj, I love your blog and I love you. That is all.
Leslie said…
JILLIAN MICHAELS IS SUPER HOT. I want the DVD to put on my shelf, cover facing out.

Also it sounds good. 20 minutes? I can let a poor man's spaghetti sauce simmer in that amount of time.
Jules said…
if I win you can pay me back for laughing at you the first few days of shredding when you could not bend over and were moaning... remember that time?
and by the way.. this is just another great reason to read your awesome, incredible blog.
Jules said…
if i leave 2 comments does that increase my chances????? 2 Jules in the hat perhaps.. i dont know why i want to win it.. it will be torture on me if your 25 year old butt was kicked like that..
ann said…
You can skip going to the P.O. Joann, just bring it to work please, Ann
ann said…
you know i don't want to show my age, but.....i may have to rest 5 minutes into this workout.
CPxo said…
"It's impossible to be gloomy when you're sitting behind a marshmallow." ~Lucy
Joyce said…
Are you sure this workout can be done safely by someone (me) old enough to be a grandmother, but who isn't AND who is more out of shape than ALL of your other readers put together? Jules, if I win it how about if you and I do it together the first time so we can laugh so hard we won't have to finish it? After than I'll give it to you. Besides, Joann, no traumatic post office trips if I win!
Kaitlin said…
There, I've left a comment! Whew, that was hard work. All this clicking and clacking... It's the Secreterial Shred.
Joey Bersack said…
Look, like a thousand people commented on this. I am commenting but I don't want to win.
Cassondra said…
Dude, nursing is stressful. This video will help me direct this stress at Jillian instead of my patients; which is why I should win. I realize this is a random contest, but now your hand knows to pick me, right? Right?!

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