Selective Spring Cleaning

I woke up and was just in one of those moods… and not just ANY cleaning mode, I mean sure, I did the obvious stuff.  The vacuuming, the uncluttering, the laundry…

But this was roll-up-your-sleeves-and-clean/organize mode.  Wash your make up brushes and organize the black hole makeup bag/drawer/bin/purses mode.  It's serious business.

I rounded up everything that had managed to go rogue: every tube of lipstick, every bobby pin, hair tie, tube of sample mascara… and I'M EXHAUSTED.  I mean, you'd think with all the make up that I ended up with, I walk around looking like Ru Paul.  (I don't.)

I then measured out a piece of craft paper, organized all of the makeup and make myself a guide to stick to.   This was actually a lot of fun because I got to doodle… and while I was doodling, I said, "Self, you can do this.  You can stay organized.  It's DRAWN OUT FOR YOU."  I give it two days.  But, it's a nice thought… organization.

I didn't realize how disgusting makeup really is until I took a paper towel and some wood polish to my vanity.  Based on the amount of elbow grease I had to put in to get the surface color of my vanity back, I find it a bit difficult to believe that a little rain/sweat/anything short of hydrochloric acid is able to ruin a full face of make up.  Add that to the list of things I'll never make sense of.


Kristen said…
That Ru Paul photo has scarred me for life.
Joyce said…
Kristen, you could also have said "scared"! Either one works for me.
Anonymous said…
I'm so scared and scarred, i will never wear make up again, for fear of overdoing it!

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