Me Thinks...

It's time for a vacation!

Disclaimer: This photo is not of me.  I found this cutie on Pinterest and although I am quite adorable, I am a tad older than she is and I doubt she has the time to maintain a blog (since she is busy being freakin' adorable and thinking all the time).

I've had a terrible time sleeping lately, thanks to netflix, working late, and my love for this blog/the internet.  (I just downed a can of mood mellowing tea, hoping at least placebo effect would kick in and I will fall asleep that way… adventures in mood mellowing part deux.)

I was daydreaming today a bit about where I'd want to go for a long weekend… maybe to Maine (just for  lobster roll)?  To the Hamptons (to hang out with Ina)?  To Fredericksburg (for Krispy Kreme)?  To Charleston, SC (because I hear it's wonderful…)?

I think I'm just itching to go on a road trip… desperate need of a shower, eating from gas stations, and singing along to old CDs you forgot you had in your car kind of road trip.

Too bad any plans will need to be on hold for at least another 8 weeks… Eat Well Live Well is gearing up to officially begin this Sunday!

At least I'll have eight long weeks of eating healthy junk (oxymoron, I know…) to plan this epic mini-trip.  Hahaha… by the end of this thing, my idea of an epic mini-trip may just be a trip to Five Guys. :/


Joyce said…
Five Guys. Now that's something to look forward to! Want to make it a celebration party (since you KNOW our team is going to win)? This could make all the sacrifice of the next 8 weeks tolerable...

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