I DID IT!!!! I WON!!!!

I beat my tennis arch-nemesis today!! YERIN LOST TO ME.  LOST.  I BEAT her.  It was incredible.

Winning is so awesome.

Since today was day one of the Eat Well Live Well challenge, I used a step conversion calculator to check out how many steps an hour's worth of tennis would translate to.  The answer? 12,000 steps.  Awesome.  I threw in an extra 100 steps for my elaborate victory dance/lap around the tennis court.

Then we went to celebrate by hitting up Red Robin for the tower of onion rings (the usual, whether we win or lose) and some other "snacks"… I feel strongly that if you refer to a whiskey river bbq burger as a "snack" it doesn't count for as many calories.  (I just realized that with that last statement, I am going to FAIL as an EWLW team leader.)

The best part about Red Robin is the leftovers… since the idea of bottomless fries is too tempting to pass up, I have plenty left to munch on (actually… had plenty left to munch on, because everyone knows writing for a blog can work up quite the appetite).

Leftovers by definition sounds like a good theory… does it count as leftovers if it never makes it to see the light of the next day?


Joyce said…
Joooaannne! How can you eat like that on the very first day of EWLW (or as I call it: "eat well, get well")? On the other hand just getting off work I was starved so I ripped open the fridge and found a sausage patty and a LARGE serving of mashed potatoes WITH gravy (which no longer sees the light of day). Yum! Sometimes a girl just gots to eat!
Joann said…
hahahhaha I AGREE!!

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