Another EWLW Post...

I'm suuuuuch an idiot.

I was at Costco the other day and I decided it would be a good idea to continue setting a "good example" and purchased this:

The sister and I hit it up yesterday sans weights (because we weren't prepared - THANK GOD) and I was literally dragging myself around at work today.  Even my eyelids were sore.

I was kind of hoping all of the complaining and limping around work would encourage people to subject themselves to similar torture (only realizing now that that's rather backwards thinking) for the sake of our Eat Well Live Well team.  And in order to show them how dedicated I am to being a positive role model, I assured them I was coming back for Day 2 of this "Shred" after work…

Well, I just finished it and it was a terrible idea.  Halfway through tonight's workout, the crazy intense Jillian Michaels had the audacity to tell me that I should feel like I'm dying.  Well, I do.  Does that mean I get to quit?  No, apparently not.

I'm sure everyone expects me to come in in a wheelchair tomorrow… we'll see how I feel in the morning.


Susan said…
Joann!!! This is the workout I've been doing and telling you about... it does get easier I promise but the first few days are rough. Still the best 20 minute workout I've ever found.
Joey Bersack said…
Working out is fun.

But so if painting bow ties, which we did weeks ago and I have yet to see a post about it. Why do I hang out with you, if not to be immortalized in your wonderful blog read by 15 people?

come on jo.

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