This one goes out to Shep!

I got home from work feeling broken in about 22 places… my hand hurts, my foot hurts, my back hurts… if I were on the Oregon Trail right now, I would have been left for dead at some random trading post in exchange for a box of bullets.

As a result, I'm taking it easy this evening… did some light work on grad school applications and after that, I did this:

We found out at work today that we made #3 on Fortune's Top 100 Companies to Work For.  That's pretty cool, only that means a monster cake needs to be made for a celebration on Saturday.  

Jules and I met with the store manager to work out the deets today... it should be pretty epic.  I think the idea behind any store-wide celebration involving cake is a Tim Taylor-eque obsession with going BIG and making it ridiculous (no pyrotechnics though… I was told it's a fire hazard?).

After I ate half of the mini ultimate chocolate cake (I need to reiterate it was a mini… not a large), I remembered how I ate something yesterday and dedicated it to Shep.  Someone please explain to me how even when she's halfway around the world, Shep is STILL able to make me eat like a fat kid.  

Times are tough.

Well, lots of cake to ice tomorrow (and I still have to figure out a game plan), so I'm hitting the hay early today… and by hit the hay, I mean watch a few episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix and then hit the hay.

Just call me Liz Lemon.


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