One Down...

THIS is what happens when I've got work to do:

I make a flippin' mess.

Well, I normally am pretty good at accumulating things on vast areas of empty desk space, but this awesome skill I have improves exponentially with approaching deadlines.

Good news though, I submitted my first application to grad school at the expense of drowning in my own trash.  The next one's due in five days and I'm thinking I'm going to have to clear some space off my desk so I can navigate with my mouse again.

Yesterday, I showed up to work and ANNGLANCY had slapped a big ol' pink good luck slug (?) on my mailbox.  (Yes, mailbox… one day, I aspire to have an actual desk with four legs and maybe a desk chair to go with it.  I'm hoping that having an MBA will at least get me a desk?)

Hopefully the slug brings me luck with applications… because it CERTAINLY has not brought me luck elsewhere… I may or may not have dropped my camera last night taking a photo of the slug pictured above and now my trusty camera (having somehow survived the white water tubing trip from HELL) is clinging on for dear life… from a MEASLY three foot drop… onto lush carpet.  Of course.

Here's hoping this lucky pink scarf-wearing slug doesn't cost me another expense amidst application season - otherwise, I'll have to resort to trying to use a pencil and paper to give you guys some pictures to look at (pssh and who does THAT anymore). 


Anonymous said…
GLS = good luck slug

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