A little R & D...

So last week, while I was perusing through a wedding blog of some sort, I happened upon an interesting party favor… chocolate dipped chips.  Obviously, this has been done before and I let Jules know right away as she is the rightful inventor of such a genius idea (she told me about this crazy idea after she tried dipping a bag of munchies in chocolate eons ago).

And, instead of agreeing to pay the ridiculous $2 per chip they were charging, we made our own.

We got a few crazy stares, but once people tried them, it was pretty difficult to get them to dry before they went missing.  They're like chocolate covered pretzels but BETTER.

Why?  Because chips > pretzels.

THEN, Jules decided to up the ante to an unbelievable amount of deliciousness:


And with the introduction of the nutella jar… it was over.  

Let me tell you why this was so effective (for those of you who aren't sold yet):
Nutella is the greatest invention on earth.
Potato Chips are awesome.  They are salty and crunchy and greasy and the wavy ones are thick enough to be dipped and the ridges provide a greater surface area for the chocolate/nutella to hang on to.

The only thing that could make this better would be bacon.  But I'm sure you were already thinking that.

I've got a long day of essay writing and interview preparations ahead of me tomorrow, so I'll see you back at this computer screen tomorrow morning.  

I'll be there with my bag of chips and nutella.  See?  I was born to live like a college student.


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