I'm turning into an old man :(

I already knew this was unavoidable, seeing how my drink of choice is a whiskey sour and I enjoy staying inside/in the shade when I'm at the beach…

But I recently took another huge step towards old-man-ness because I was freezing and curious if old men were on to something.  I wore my socks to sleep.  Ugh, even saying it makes me shudder.

Let me explain, the bachelor pad is located in the basement and along with the perk of being able to live with a million house centipedes, it is also COLD.

As it turns out, wearing socks to sleep is AWESOME!  My feet stay sooooo warm and I don't wake up and freak out if my feet aren't tucked in anymore, because there's SOCK surrounding them at all times of the night!  AND when I go brush my teeth in the morning, I no longer have to stand on the tiny rug in my bathroom, I am FREE to stand on the tile!  AHHHH! YES!  I can stand wherever I want!!!

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. :/


Teh Kait said…
What?! Hanging your feet out is the best part! I can't sleep with my feet covered...!
Joann said…

CLEARLY you have to make sure no limbs are dangling over the bed, or the monsters/zombies hiding underneath the bed will grab on and you will die.

KAITLIN. I can't believe you've survived to see so many birthdays with your feet hanging out!
Teh Kait said…
But there's a REALLY easy way to make sure no monsters are lurking under your bed or in your closet: Cram it full of all the crap that you don't have a place for! How else are you supposed to keep your floor space clean if not for closets and under the bed???

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