Eating Well(ish)

So, at work there's a fancy little program that we call Eat Well Live Well that we do every year and this year, thanks to an uncontrollable need to compete, I volunteered to be a team captain.  What exactly does that entail, you ask?

It means, I have to recruit team members, keep them motivated, make sure they track how many steps they take each day and how many cups of fruit and vegetables they eat every day for EIGHT WHOLE WEEKS.  BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA.

I have no idea how it happened, someone who did it last year was talking about it, and she was all, "oh yeah, I did a great job, I'm the best team captain ever (or something along those lines)!"  And that only prompted me to say, "OH YEAH, you ain't seen NOTHING yet sister."  (snaps fingers)

Only… I don't know if you've ever met me… but I don't exactly have a reputation for eating very well… well, at least not when they've got fried twinkies at work, which is way too often.

Good thing Jules is a sucker for competition, because she decided to co-captain with me.  Today, we spent some time taking this thing to the next level.

I'M TALKING GUERRILLA WARFARE PEOPLE!!  We ambushed each department and basically told them they would be on our team.  Here's our strategy:

Recruit Early - EWLW doesn't start until March.  We've got about 50 people signed up already.

Don't Ask, Tell - When you ask, people tend say "no."  This is how you get things DONE: "You will be on our team and you will like it.  I'm putting your name down and I'll see you at the kickoff meeting."  (Run away)

Do What They Do, Just Better - Our biggest competitor was bragging about sending regular emails with tips to her team last year.  UH… can you say, "oh, another email in Times New Roman…"  You can't motivate people to eat vegetables and walk 10,000 steps a day with size 12, Times New Roman… we've got bigger plans.  Plans that involve FLASH media and pictures… everyone looooves pictures.

Practice What You Preach - I suppose that since we're "team captains" we should be setting a good example or whatever… so yesterday and today, I attempted to ease into the entire thing by adding a few more servings of fruit to my otherwise 2-3 average servings a day (pathetic, I know.).

OHMYGOSH - while we're on the topic of food, I went to Costco yesterday and bought some Angie's Kettle Corn and it is INCREDIBLE!!!! A little salt, a little sweet… a little WHOLE GRAIN.  I got a LOT of whole grain yesterday.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go buy a bag.  I'd even forgive you if you stopped reading the blog right NOW to go get a bag of this stuff.  It's changed my liiiiiiiiife.

It also changed my priorities… yes folks, about 6 hours into my pre-EWLW training, I hit a hit a road block known as kettle corn (about five cups of it if we're rounding down).  But if you want to be technical about it, Eat Well, Live Well hasn't reeeally started yet.

The good thing about me is that I'll pretty much eat anything.  So, the bowl of fruit did eventually get eaten, but only after everything else within arms reach had already gone down the hatch.

It's going to be a looooong eight weeks. :)


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