Any plans this weekend?

If you don't have any, you should go see No Strings Attached.  I met with Susie and Jes tonight for an impromptu movie night and it was HILARIOUS!

Susie may or may not have teared up a bit at certain parts… I guess there were parts that warranted emotion, I just seem to be programmed to only cry when watching Armageddon (oh you know what I'm talking about… Bruce Willis gives a moving performance and you KNOW it.)

I polished off an entire bag of popcorn solo (another classic Shep move), but justified it by reasoning that corn is a whole grain,and by eating about 6 cups of popcorn, I was able to meet my daily requirement for whole grains.  Popcorn is awesome that way.  :)

But no, the fun didn't just end there!  After the movie, we went to Costal Flats for some late night appetizers and dessert.  I mean… the chocolate waffle was just WAITING for us downstairs… it's not like we could have passed up an offer like that!

As soon as I got home, I bought the soundtrack, it's pretty baller.  Clearly I'm obsessed with this movie.  GO SEE IT!


Unknown said…
totally a whole grain. it's also awesome how popcorn allows you to meet your WEEKLY requirement for fat and salt in just ONE DAY! love me some popcorn.

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