Tis the Season...

The panic has set in and this year, like every other, I will probably postpone Christmas shopping until the last possible second… I'm TERRIBLE at buying gifts for other people - I usually get a great idea, forget to write it down, then end up getting a case of clementines from work and attempt to wrap it to look exciting…

I do find solace in knowing there is one person I can never disappoint… myself.  Christmas shopping started early this year as I recently did some online shopping because I'm working up the courage to start my b school applications.  Lots of time on the computer = lots of time online shopping.

I haven't started any applications yet, BUT, I have scored a few great gifts.  Can I just say how big of an incentive it is when I see the words: FREE SHIPPING?

Modcloth is one of my new FAVORITES!  They have incredible customer service, their shipping is fast and free (if you spend enough) as are returns!

I just bought this dress, the fabric is soooo soft too bad I need to wait for summer to come back around again :(

Another great site I've been browsing lately is Ideeli.  They've got incredible deals on great brands but you've got to be on the lookout with this site - all their sales start at noon each day and the good stuff goes quick!

I recently scored a post-gmat celebration watch for about 450% less than retail… daaaang!

Another great gift-giving site is onekingslane, this one's for great deals on furniture, beautiful serving bowls, linens, even cookies and candies.

Since I've developed somewhat of a skill to online shop, I think I'll be doing most of my shopping from the comfort of my own home this year… I ventured out into the "wild" aka costco this afternoon, and didn't even make it into the parking lot before changing my mind… and so began my detachment from society…


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