Finally! Progress!

So, I've been yakking about my garden since the seeds went down in March... and FINALLY I've got some growth people!  

Granted, it's from a rose bush that was planted by the previous owner... but blooms are blooms and at this point, I'll take what I can get... I wish you could SMELL them, they are breathtaking!

So, this afternoon, it was rainy and nasty out... perfect slug weather.  And I have had beef with those evil evil garden slugs since they destroyed my marigolds... and hell hath no fury like a Joj with destroyed marigolds... 

If you can put this picture in your head: I was out in the rain, armed with a pair of chopsticks (WTSM?), rain boots, and a bucket of salt water plucking these slimy disgusting creatures from the earth and plopping them into their poison... MUAH HA HA HAAA!

Sleep well tonight my marigolds, momma loves you.


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