Taco Night!

Jerms invited Jules, Julie and myself over for a dinner party and some Wii bowling action.

At first, I've got to admit, I was a little nervous about the whole dinner party idea (anyone who knows me knows I always try to stage kitchen takeovers)...

But it ended up being a lot of fun and I only helped with some tomato dicing and some lettuce shredding, which is a huge step in dealing with my kitchen control issues.

He had some appetizers
(and made it clear that he hates celery and looooves broccoli)

He was so proud of his arrangement of shrimp!

while the ladies were chowing down on shrimp and veggies, Jerms was hard at work

The tacos were delicious, bowling was fun, and I stayed to watch the Eagles and Cowboys game... it was disgusting, that's all I will say about it. It's too soon to talk about it, I'm not ready. But this post is not about how annoying the Cowboys are, it's about tacos. And Jeremy did an awesome job.


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