Random Thoughts for 2010...

1. WHERE does VH1 FIND these crazy people?
2. Why do doctors and nurses get to wear pajamas to work and I don't?
3. If I'm good at Wii golf, would considering a career as a pro golfer be "crazy"?
4. How are chocolate covered strawberries considered romantic, because there is NO attractive way to eat them.
5. Why don't I have a puppy yet?
6. Is it normal for a 23 year old to get excited about home renovation magazines?
7. Is it normal (read: not too creepy) for a completely single (read: alone) 23-year old to be pretty much consumed with planning her future wedding?
8. Why can't I have wavy hair??
9. How unhealthy would a crush on Kevin Costner in Bull Durham be?
10. When is life supposed to start? I'm kind of getting the feeling I'm just kicking it in neutral right now, just waiting for something big to happen...

Well, 2010 seems like a good time to get the ball rolling on this whole life thing, so we'll have to reassess in a year, see how much progress I've made...

So in summary, in 2010, I need to get a puppy, buy some golf clubs, and meet Kevin Costner to go over plans for our future wedding.


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