Utilizing my mad skillz.

Bahahaha. Hardly.

Ryan, a friend from work, who also happens to be Halloween's biggest fan (the proof is here), has been prepping for his costume this week, and I went over to Belen's to drop off some veggie lasagna and got pumped for the costume, so decided to lend a hand.

He's being the Head-Less Horseman this year, and could not find a suitable costume (well, let's be honest, one that was up to his standards)... so he decided to build one!

Between the sharp scissors, hot glue gun, and what was basically barbed wire, we sustained a few injuries...

Ryan sporting his "poor-man's band aid" and getting ready to buy real ones!

Does this make my butt look big?

Now I realize the horse is looking a little more like a llama at this point in the game... but one thing is for sure, it's going to be a BIG costume.


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