uh... come again blogspot??

I've been hearing news recently of having to eventually pay for hulu's services... fine, I hear a lot of people are fans of the site, but I personally don't use it very much, so meh, no big deal for me.

But you know what is a big deal to me?? This blog. And apparently I've run out of space to post photos on this blog. Uh, THAT affects me in a huge way. Could you imagine this blog without photos?? Probably not, because you will no longer read it without photos...

Dang it. That means I've got to either:
1) try to prolong the inevitable by deleting some older photos off the blog
2) pay up to $20 to $500 a year (whaaaaaaat!?) for 10 to 400 GB of space
3) stop posting photos with entries and commit blog suicide... but a newer, better blog could come of this risk (?). Ugh.

I'd post a picture of a What's That Supposed to Mean sadface here, but it would probably not help the situation very much.


Joey Bersack said…
that shit is whack. We shouldn't pay for blogs. You can always change the blog service you use.
Unknown said…
deleting all those runway pictures would be a good start. you know i always scroll right past them anyway:)
Kristy said…
What? This is the first I've heard of this! I can't delete my memories!!
Joann said…
I know! What an outrage!! To be fair though, I do probably abuse the photo downloads a bit... I've deleted some of the fashion posts to try to prolong the inevitable... but I'll only have stalled the process for a few more weeks to months at most.

I thought I would have more tiiiime! I'm not ready to retire from WTSM! :(

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