I'm no city rat.

Last night, in feeble attempt to get into the city for Lauren and Lindsey's highly anticipated birthday celebration, I decided to drive into DC after work (figuring it would be faster/more convenient) ... solo.

Yes, folks... I am 23 years old and live about 40 minutes from DC, but have never driven solo into the city.

So, like a 23 year old that has never driven into the city before, I arrive just as dinner is coming to a close and circle Adams Morgan trying to find parking. With little more than $4 in cash with me, I am unable to pay the UNGODLY parking fee of $16 in order to comfortably park in a swanky parking garage.

Apparently everyone driving in DC practices on the Autobahn and has little tolerance for suburban gals like me that don't know why one-way roads even exist.

I panic (obviously) and Katie comes out of the restaurant in order to help me find parking. This didn't work very well considering everyone in DC was apparently trying to get their socializing on and drive in order to do so.

Finally getting fed up with poor urban planning, we decide to leave, take a huge circle around the city in order to do so, and eventually end up (couldn't even tell you how we did it) back on rt. 28. We decide to go to our happy place... Wegmans in order to pick up some brie and champagne so that the night isn't a complete loss.

So I essentially kidnapped Katie from the birthday celebration, ended up in DC but didn't even see Lauren and Lindsey, and almost killed us a handful of times trying to decipher the confusing traffic light situation in DC.

Moral of the story: I will never drive in the city again, and brie fixes just about everything.


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