that wonderful burning sensation...

I was at Target about 15 minutes ago... a post-gym treat to myself... we all know how a trip to Target goes, you walk needing a pack of bobby pins, you leave with two books, a dvd, book shelf, shirt from the clearance rack, and maybe, if you're lucky, you'll remember the bobby pins.

Well, on this particular outing, I was trying some JK by Jemma Kidd lip gloss samples (in case I would ever decide to regularly use lipgloss... which I don't) on my hand... a shade of pink, a shade of peach, a deceivingly intriguing clearish one with silver specs in it (circa middle school), which turned out to be aptly named, "Angelina" for its use as an effective lip plumper. Great.

So, fast forward sixty seconds and my hand starts BURNING. I don't mean sticking your hand in a 400-degree oven kind of burning, I mean, pouring a colony of harvester ants into a pickle jar and then voluntarily (as I did by touching the applicator wand to my poor, currently burning hand) getting your hand stuck in the jar for who knows how long.

Exhibit A:
Harvester Ants in a tiny sparkly tube conveniently mislabeled "Lip Gloss"

Bottom Line: WHY would anyone voluntarily put this on their LIPS??


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