(because "G.I. NO" was far too easy of a title...)

I think you get the idea behind this post though. Just got back from the movie and it was AWFUL. I think a two hour long documentary about a dirty sock would have had better acting in it than the so-called "actors" in this film... and writing, and directing, and casting. Seriously.

It is kind of entertaining to think that somewhere in this gigantic world, there may be someone who actually enjoys this movie. It's so bad it's funny.

I don't think I've ever watched a movie and had my mind wander before... but I found myself thinking about the case of Diet Dr. Pepper I purchased and left on top of the fridge. It was so bad, that 12 cans of room temperature diet soda was of greater interest to me than the actual film. Just a thought.

But, if you see this as more of a challenge than a warning (more like begging) for you to not waste your time, energy, money, and brain cells to see this movie... then go ahead. But I'll just throw out a preemptive "I told you so..."


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