Ugh, 23.

So, as of right now, I officially find myself 23 years old... another year closer to the grave (and retirement... woo hoo). I will probably celebrate this milestone by going to work and skipping the gym, but am open to suggestions as long as they involve being in bed by 10. Yay, I no longer have my youth!

When I realized I was approaching my mid-twenties (gasp), I asked a few people at work where they were in life when they were 23... and it was a lot more exciting than going to work, keeping a blog, and getting freaking over new flavors of Ciao Bella.

(some days, I'd consider giving up a kidney for a heaping spoonful of this stuff)

Ergo, it's time to sit down and do a little summary of the last year in an effort to try to make my life sound more exciting than it actually is. I understand that by the end of this list, it could have completely disproven everything I was trying to prove in the first place. Meh.

- bought and killed a fish I named Anatomy Betta (I probably deserved it, just for naming it that)
- considered going to graduate school for about 5 different things...
- went to New York and fell in love with it
- went to North Carolina and fell in love with it
- discovered Cheeburger Cheeburger (pfft, duh. That shizz changed my life.)
- made a new best friend in the form of a pink stand mixer (to each their own, I guess)
- stopped making art completely
- discovered the fish game... (a weak, but mildly effective attempt at making the rowing machine at the gym "fun")
- probably spent about a good 5% of my year watching Keeping up with the Kardasians/Real Housewives marathons...
- planned and failed attempts at learning how to knit and quilt (yeah... I'm 22 going on 89.)
- played tennis more often only to discover: 1) there is no correlation between invested time and improved skill level, and 2) I am the polar opposite-est to infinity of consistent on the tennis court.

Well, I guess all in all it wasn't a terribly bad year in the life of... but I've surely got my work cut out for me in terms of boosting the excitement level before I turn the big 2-4.


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