Spring has Sp-rizz-ung!

Since it's been raining for the last 23,098,203,982 days, something glorious was sure to come of it, right? Uh, you betcha.

Things are growing, blooming, and I'm buying orchids like it's a 52" Flat Screen on Black Friday... So, to pay homage to my growing collection (and desperate desire to have a green thumb), a glimpse into my make-shift greenhouse.

Say hello to my new Maxillaria Orchids, commonly known as the Coconut Pie Orchid (they smell like coconuts)!

The Phalaenopsis have started to bloom too!
(My two oldest... I've had them for about five years and they bloom like clockwork.)

My Cymbidium Orchid, still hard at work...

My Miniature Oncidium

Orchids aside, I'm also developing an obsession (I can feel it coming) with African Violets... I've never been terribly impressed with them, but saw them at work and decided to dabble in it, and I know it'll end up snowballing into a ridiculous obsession as well... especially since mine are not dead yet and have grown into a pretty impressive mass of violets...

And other odds and ends I haven't killed yet...

The grapefruit tree that's 1409823 years away from bearing fruit...

A cucumber plant that was "Guaranteed to Grow" by the Backyardigans.
Love that show.

The (what's that supposed to mean?!) Bonsai Tree flowering and looking Asian.


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