take it off!!!

So most of you know I go into vicious cycles of growing hair and harvesting hair for a good cause... for example, getting 12 inches axed from my head last year for Locks of Love.

I'm all about it. I figure, growing hair is the easiest thing I could possibly do... I mean, you don't really even have to think about it, it just happens. Plus, doing good makes me feel good inside, etc. etc.

Recently, I have come to realize that growing hair is a lot more trying than I thought... I'm in what I consider 'home-stretch' mode. On one hand, I could chop off 12 inches right now and work the bowl cut (circa 5th grade) or I can keep growing hair for another four inches and get a decent haircut + do good at the same time... but that would require maintaining Rapunzel-length hair. Blah.

Earlier this evening, I decided I was so over growing hair I contemplated massaging Miracle-Gro into my head...

Luckily though, I have happened upon a different campaign that also collects hair donations (and SHORTER hair donations!).

Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I'm down with that. They only require 8 inches (!) which is awesome, plus it means that hopefully more people are willing to donate knowing they don't have to grow twenty feet of hair to do it!!

Check out their website for more information on details, why, where, and how to donate here!


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