New Beyond-Obsession Obsession!

I happened upon a new artist from Malaysia yesterday and she is absolutely adorable (happens to be Asian) and her music is addictive!!

Her name is Zee Avi and she's signed to Jack Johnson's Brushfire label (another artist discovered via YouTube). Her music reminds me a little of his... lots of ukulele, guitar, good swinging in a hammock in Hawaii music. You know, in case you ever need a playlist for partaking in such an activity.

Here's her first single, Bitter Heart. Her CD comes May 19th and I cannot wait!!! Check Her Out. Seriously, you'll kick yourself in the head for not doing so when she's blowing up the charts...

This way you can tell your friends and then you'll feel so trendy when she's on the radio and you get to say, "pssh, she's been around for mooooonths..." :)


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