What's For Dinner?

The other night, I got tagged for dinner duty (ahh the wonders of living at home... but that's a whole slew of other posts I'm nowhere near ready to tackle) and ended up making two different kinds of meals on one plate. I got a little influence from the whole petit plats OBSESSION that seemed to take over New York City. I also haven't cooked in a while and basically exploded in the kitchen.

So yes loyal readers, another post devoted to food.

Just a note to anyone who has yet to appreciate the deliciousness that is a seared tuna steak: it will change your life.

Seared Tuna Fiesta
(serves 4)

two tuna steaks (make sure they're fresh)
one mango
one lime
one small orange
one small grapefruit
one jalapeno pepper
white rice
chili powder

To make the Mango Salsa, peel and chop the mango (uniformly people, no one appreciates chunks of random sizes - ehm, JOEY), orange, grapefruit and seed and chop the jalapeno pepper. Combine in a bowl and squeeze in juice from half a lime, and toss in about 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro. Now comes the crucial part, you want to put in one good shake of chili powder, and two good shakes of paprika (yes, those are official units of measure on the What's That Supposed To Mean Blog of awesomeness). Set aside.

Cook the rice (stovetop, microwave, however you want to do it) and combine with fresh chopped cilantro, lime juice and a sprinkle of salt.

Now, for the piece de resistance - the tuna. Heat a small amount of oil on pan and throw the steaks on at high heat. Watch the Tuna to make sure it doesn't overcook, about a minute or two on each side. Tuna steaks cooked well done are a waste of time and you might as well be serving canned tuna for dinner. Allow the tuna to chill out (aka "rest") for a few minutes before cutting into it.

Imitation Southern Fried Fish
(serves 4)

four flounder fillets (mine were frozen and thawed out)
about a dozen cream crackers
grated parmesan cheese
wegmans pan searing flour (or regular flour)
two eggs
arugula salad blend
one lemon
olive oil

It'll get a little messy (consider this fair warning). Beat two eggs in a shallow bowl and season with salt and pepper and set aside.

In a ziplock bag, brush up cream crackers and add about 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese. Shake, shake, shake!

Cut each fillet of flounder in half (or you can leave whole if you wish), lightly coat in pan searing flour, then dip into egg mixture, and finally into cracker crumbs.

Heat oil and 1 teaspoon of butter in pan, gently add flounder fillets in and allow to brown before flipping over (it'll be about 3-4 minutes on each side).

For arugula salad, plate salad blend with a little parmesan. In a small bowl combine juice from 1 lemon and two parts olive oil, a pinch of salt, and plenty of pepper. Whisk briskly with a fork and lightly sprinkle over salad.

So, give it a shot and enjoy. I figure posting these recipes is the closest thing I can come right now to throwing another dinner party. You know, with my life being so busy right now...


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