Another Cold Evening in Suburbia.

An entire weekend off, I don't even remember what that's like... months ago, my weekends were spent in the studio, nowadays they're spent drowning in a bakery. So, yes, I truly appreciate this entire weekend off. I can guarantee karma will do its job and kick me in the butt for the rest of the week though.

Today, I spent the morning sleeping in (until 8) and went to the gym (!). This is a huge step for me, considering last time I attempted to go to the gym, I decided there were one too many cars in the parking lot... so I turned around and went to Target for a soft pretzel and some shopping. Thirty minutes of cardio and a few weight machines later, I decided I had had enough and then I went to Wendy's for some french fries and a frostie.

Since the Fruitbaskets (minus Meagan) are going to the Eagles/Redskins game tomorrow, I decided I needed to make chili. Elizabeth came over and we went to Wegmans for supplies. Then we came home to make some vegetarian lasagna for dinner and chili for tomorrow.

Elizabeth doing some sweating

While in the baking aisle of Wegmans, I got a rush of inspiration gazing at the varieties of pudding we offer. Elizabeth and I created a concoction of brownie, peanut butter, chocolate pudding and cool whip in a graham cracker crust. Then we named it "Can't Go Wrong" Pie. Then I realized we make the exact same thing at Wegmans, so that kind of ruined it. Tasted good though.

I still have some more Christmas shopping to do, but I keep putting it off because I can't bear to face the crowds and crowds of people this weekend... and tons of wrapping to do, and cards to send... ugh. So it'll be a busy (and hopefully productive) weekend.


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