Team America!

In an attempt to reconnect with the youth of my generation, I was convinced to go out the other night. We met up with Liz (and Anna) in Adams Morgan, were joined by a group of boys (Taylor included) and went to some bars. Fun was had - involving alcohol, drag queens, Taylor making friends with everyone at the bar, and huge slices of pizza consumed. Which, unfortunately ended up staining my brand new blouse. (Currently, the washer is dealing with that situation... I remain hopeful but the prognosis is not good. WHY STUBBORN VEGGIE PIZZA GREASE? WHY ME???)

Liz & Anna

Fantastic photo of Liz. (you can ignore me)

Captain America

some of da crew

Joey & Liz

Liz & Me (pre-stain, post-1 glass of wine and a shot)

So, I've surrendered to the idea of being young and fun. Well, maybe not. At least to the idea of being able to hold my own in this group. I think I'll have to develop a closet drinking habit just to prepare myself for being able to consume more than two drinks before bottoming out. Sad, I know.


yay jo!! i'm putting the one of you me in my cubicle. it'll go right next to the coca-cola bottle.

meaning = you're loved.

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