Cookie Club

Nothing makes me happier than sending smiles!

I hadn't sent cookies out in a while, so I recently went on a cookie baking spree and hit some peeps with some cookie boxes:

(And loved seeing them on Instagram!)

I figured this may be something I should keep up... a way I can continue baking without undoing my new-found love for sweating and eating chicken breasts for every meal. (Ugh.)

So I'm mixing it up giveaway style! 

Think Birchbox, but instead of all those rando lotion packets, it'll be a box of cookies instead!

Just email me if you want to be added to the list (and provide your mailing address, obvi) and every time I whip up something, I'll select a few recipients! I'll try really hard to keep it a secret because these are probably best if unexpected, but I stink at that, so no guarantees I won't flood your phone with texts that say 'DID YOU CHECK THE MAIL YET?!"

As far as selection, it'll really depend on what I'm in the mood to bake, but I'll try to make it a selection so there'll be something you find in there that you'll like. And I'd love suggestions - on this go around, I mailed some of the homemade oreos, the brown sugar cookies, and my favorite recipe for chocolate chip cookies - but I'm always down to try new recipes!

So email me because this could be the beginning of the most beautiful sugar-filled relationship. :)

What are your favorite cookies??

P.S. Apologies if you're Colin Firth or a Colin Firth fan, but I stand by my words.


Leslie said…

Okay but also you should charge for cookie club. Seriously. I would pay pal you money every time. $5? $10? It would be so easy. Joann. You should charge. CHARGE MONEY. Or you can do it like "I'll pick one secret recipient for free every month, but if you'd like to guarantee a box then please pay $$$ to paypal." DO IT. DO IT.
Leslie said…
Also I want in on cookie club. You know my address.
Unknown said…
Do it! Do it! What Leslie said! Also, I want in.
Cassondra said…
I agree, I would totally pay. Especially if you include the recipe (unless it's secret)!!!

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