Sourdough and Pandemics

I get paid to be an extrovert and a “professional,” but at heart I’m an introvert and a baker, so throughout this pandemic I’ve really been thriving. Luckily, we’ve gotten through it so far without getting sick (knock on wood), I’ve enjoyed extra time home with the kitties and have been making lots and lots of bread!

It all started when I purchased a Sourdough Kit from a local bakery that was selling them during the pandemic - but really all you need to start is some dehydrated sourdough starter (you can find lots online - or I can send you some!) and a few different flours. I started by using their recipe - a combo of bread, rye and whole wheat flours, then found others to try with different ratios and then the rest was history! Once I got the basic loaf down, I’ve been making bread almost weekly and all sorts of bread. 

Made some cheesy loaves:


You get the idea - I’ve also started an Instagram page to document my bakes and hopefully inspire others to try it! 

Find me over at jojbakingthings!


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