Soup Goals

Okay, if you haven't heard of Sam the Cooking Guy, you need to get on it. He might be my new favorite Canadian (yes, ahead of Ryan Gosling - unless Ryan Gosling can make soup too). His recipes are SUPER easy and you usually have what you need tucked in your kitchen somewhere. Case in point - I saw one of his latest videos on Facebook the other day (for one of my faves - Potato Leek Soup!) and went downstairs to start peeling potatoes immediately to use up a leftover leek I had in the fridge.

I didn't listen to his advice and used the entire leek (living on the wild side over here), so my end photos look more like the baby poo, so I'll spare you the photos. Here is his quick video on how to put the thing together:

Quick and creamy without using any cream at all! I set aside a few pieces of potato before processing the rest because I like my soups with a little chunk (ya know what I'm sayin'?) and topped it off with a few crisped pieces of potato and bacon.

Check out more of his stuff HERE!


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