Let's Get Married!

The crazy thing about weddings is that people end up married after the entire thing! I've been so consumed with baking and sugar all weekend that I kind of forgot there was a marriage taking place amongst the chaos. But Marriage! Yeeeeahhhh!!!

And it was a beautiful wedding celebrating two beautiful people! The Westfields Marriott is where it's at! The venue was amazing and the staff were so calm, collected and in control - shout out to event manager Rachel! She is my jam and made it all super easy and stress-free!

We went early to set up the cookies and cake and made it right on time to mingle a bit before the ceremony.

We set up cookies outside of the reception hall for guests to find their table.

And I brought the cake and had the florist save a few flowers for the decoration. Sara found this amazing topper on etsy!

So cuuuute. Love these two!

Dubs, Sheppy and moi at the reception after a pretty amazing meal and two gin and tonics. :)

I think anyone that knows them can agree that they make relationships/commitment/marriage look like a pretty sweet deal.

Congratulations and all the best Sara and Drew!!! 


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