A Weekend Round Up...

It you all only knew how much readership drops when y'all get a long weekend… which only leads me to assume you're currently slumped over your desk milling over your google reader until your first day back into the work-week is finally over. 

It's cool, I'll take what I can get.

A recap of the weekend…

We put up decorations for Christmas!  Can't Go Wrong found this gem while she was sorting through old Christmas crafts from our childhood:

(good thing I wasn't an english major.)

On Saturday, I steamed up some lobsters for lunch (in dramatic Julie & Julia lobster steaming fashion)…

poor little guys… so delicious.

The rest of Saturday night went a little bit like this:

The spread… the salad was really a buffer to act as crowd control in a buffet-line situation.

My favorite. Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes of awesomeness.

Legit carve job.

Pie Table. (Livia has clearly left her mark.)

After dinner, Sally stayed and we decorated some gingerbread cookies!

Gingerbread Snowflakes > Gingerbread Men.

Sally showing off her handiwork.

For those of you waiting to find out how the turkey went over with the fam - they loved it!  Many thanks to Kelly for her fantab recipe! And I learned an important lesson - fresh, never frozen turkeys make all the difference.  Oh, that and a solid over-night brine.


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