Looks are deceiving.

You might be wondering, "Oh Joj, what's that CUUUUUTE critter you have a photo of?  Are you guys friends?"

No.  No, we are not.  

The other day, I was at the store and I decided to buy some birdseed.  I like birds.  I've always wanted to be Snow White.  It all seemed to add up in my head.

I went home, poured some birdseed into my feeder and got excited.  A week later, the birds hadn't touched a thing.  

At this point, I have a 5 pound bag of wild bird seed and some stupid birds.  So, I decided maybe if I just throw them all over the ground outside my door, they're sure to find it.

Wrong again.

Man, birds are dumb.

That cute cuddly chipmunk found the seeds instead.  Yep.  And he has since discovered the strawberries that were growing in abundance thanks to the Monsoon we had a few weeks back.

Because of the abundance of sustenance in the backyard, Chipmunk decided to ask his girlfriend Chipmunkette to move in.  I'm sure she thought, "hmm, well this chipmunk boyfriend has so much to offer, how could a girl refuse?"  So she moved in.  She loves it here.  She helps him eat everything that I try to grow.  

I'm so happy for them.


Liz said…
ahhhhahahahahahahah!! Joj, this kind of post makes me miss you SO much. I just hope people out there in the world know how hilarious you are...we've got to spotlight your blog or SOMEthing.

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