It's ALL I think about.  Well, about 95% of the time.

Ever since this Weight Watchers thing has started, I've kinda been with it, kinda been oh-it-doesn't-count-when-I-go-out-to-eat… but since we're heading into week 6 and I haven't lost a substantial amount of weight (hmm… I wonder why?), I decided it's time to get downright diplomatic about this.

Well… I'll start tomorrow… I ended today with Peking Duck and frozen custard… whoops. :/

I did spend some time this afternoon at the gym… it was strange, there was water coming out of my body and dripping everywhere… that's never happened before.  I shall call it, "sweat."

After the gym, I scooted on home where I roasted every vegetable I could lay my hands on and decided this will be how I'm going to get through the week in one (hopefully a few pounds lighter) piece.   I mean, visually, it's got enough colors in it to keep me entertained… taste wise, we shall see.

Alright folks, we're going to try some good old fashioned behavior modification… if you see me on the street, in a car, on a bus, train, plane, in a bathroom, or at the dentist consuming anything other than these roasted vegetables and a 3-ounce chicken breast,  you have my permission to swat it out of my hand and punch me in the face.  Make it swift though, or I might be able to duck in time.

Oh… and while the vegetables were roasting, I made a Shepherd's Pie for everyone else to enjoy… I didn't even lick the mashed potato spoon. :(

and I LOOOOOOOVE mashed potatoes… :(

Oh, crispy mashed potato crust, how I long for thee…


Kristen said…
I can't wait to take advantage of your back, girl. I will see everything you eat....muahahaha....
Leslie said…
roasted vegeble recipe please?

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