You know how sometimes you get stuck in a schedule of work, sleep, work, sleep, work... and then there's this miracle of an evening out with friends that reminds you that you are capable of having fun again...?

Last week, Joey, Lauren and I headed out to Cheng's in Sterling and I don't remember the last time I actually ate in a Chinese Restaurant as opposed to having it in front of a TV out of take out boxes... not that that's a bad thing, I actually prefer the latter.

But, we had a great time. Lauren tried Peking Duck for the first time, which is probably one of my favorite-est foods ever... and we sipped on our drinks - a virgin daiquiri for me, a mojito for her... and Joey ended up with poison disguised in a clever tiki mug aka a Mai Tai which we unsuccessfully tried to help him choke down.

fortune cookie fortunes have really gone downhill...

And because of the random cold front that is hitting Virginia (not a fan, by the way) we skipped the Big Apple Circus in exchange for a trip to Target (good thing too, I don't think I could have handled an elephant ride right after dinner). Then Joey forced us to watch SyFy... something about robots looking like people or something.

Joey's awesome photography skillz.

Lauren and her delicious mojito

Joey and the evil Mai Tai

And yes, we took photos in the restaurant like we had never been out before in our lives. But let's be honest, it's not very far from the truth. Being "grown up" is rough! ;)


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