It's the MSG!

Elizabeth was visiting from North Carolina this weekend (yay!) and this afternoon, I stepped out with the Fruitbaskets for our first ever Dim Sum Experience (what's that supposed to mean...) at the China Garden in Rosslyn.

the typical FBL self portrait on the roof of the building

I think they're in on my secret at this point, and it's only fair of me to tell all of you loyal readers... I am Chinese. I know, I know, you're probably confused and feel really cheated right now and I understand. I'm just as in denial as you are about this whole situation, just let the news kind of sit in your gut for a while. I'll still be here when you're ready.


Anyways, I think it threw off the Fruitbaskets a little with all the Chinese going on, but I was able to order our way through brunch, and we came out of it alive. No one was traumatized from it (besides all the grease and shrimp/pork that was involved) I hope.

Love me some of those Fruitbaskets.


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