RIP Unnamed Betta :(

Unnamed Betta was discovered just a minute ago having passed on. :/

Poor little guy.

The same unnamed betta that casey rescued from lab and gave me.

The same unnamed betta that I was not excited about having to take care of.

The same unnamed betta that survived a charlotte street birthday party (having had a gin-soaked dish towel floating around its bowl the next morning).

The same unnamed betta that I shuttled back and forth between winter breaks, graduation, moving houses...

The same unnamed betta that I flipping never named and fell in love with.

It's been a good run Betta... le sigh.

I would say Unnamed Betta deserves more than a nice trip down the porcelain express, but a burial would simply be too creepy/gross/splash-y... so flushy flush it is.


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