Death by Pumpkin...

Today, I had to ditch work early because my obsession with food (and namely shoving it down my throat) has finally caught up with me.

Since I eat everything delicious that is presented to me I fell victim to food poisoning by pumpkin this afternoon. Pumpkin cheesecake, that is.

Ooooh, you evil evil bite. So deliciously deadly.

After a painful drive home (where I vowed I would never have children if the pain were half as bad as it was - I must be a whimp) and five hours of trying to sleep off the unwavering pain...

I think I've successfully squashed the disgusting habit of inhaling food I've developed as of late. At least my obsession with pumpkin-flavored things... blech. :/


Anonymous said…
i always knew pumpkin spice was eeeevilll

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