weekend shennanigans

I missed Homecoming in F-burg, but had a good time this weekend in NoVa. A recap...

Halloween was being celebrated this past weekend in true Jare-Bear style... and we were invited! It was a lot of fun, saw some peeps from work (and some more naked than I ever wanted to see them). I went as Angelina Jolie = dark clothes + lots of babies. Easy. Clare went as a fighter/boxer = legit. I think Julie eventually showed up as a drunk fan of Halloween parties? haha. We had fun. Then I had to be up for work five hours later.

Jules and me with all my babies

Clare Bear and Jules

Our Host, Jared with Ryan (awesome costume idea btw, he was Michael Jackson from the Thriller video and even had two zombies strapped to his back)

Belen and Jules

Sal and Clare!

Sara and Al



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