A Day on the Farm

So, on my second and final day off for the week, my aunts, my cousin and I went to Homestead Farm in Maryland somewhere to go pick some fruit (we were promised peaches, cherries and tomatoes). What ended up being there were baby peaches that were no where near ready to pick and sour cherries. Well, and farm animals. So, Livia and I made the most of it and hung out with the animals. Then we all went and bought fruit... and among other things:

Wasabi Peas! (don't be jealous casey)

In line for the ferry to take us across the Potomac River

False promises, but nice lady.

The Piggy came out to say hello!

goats of the spotted variety

I loved this one.

the sheep didn't find us amusing at all.

MY FAVORITE!!! The baby cow!

I call this old one with the evil stare Yerin.

they got up and walked away when they saw us. Lame.

All in all, it was a fun day. I've got to work for the rest of the week, but hopefully I'll be able to make time to join in on a goodbye dinner for Justin with a few friends. But more on that later, gotta be at work early tomorrow, so that's all for now!


Cassondra said…
WASABI PEAS!!! too late, im super jealous!

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